33 Francesco Verso - The Case for World SF&F

Today guest is Francesco Verso, an Italian science fiction author, editor and publisher.

He talks about the books he writes, the state of Italian science fiction, and the case for world science fiction and fantasy. As a publisher, he finds the best short stories around the world that have not been translated, that are unknown outside their country of origin, and he publishes them. Not in English. But in Italian and Chinese. He has amazing collections of stories from amazing parts of the world.

If you're curious about new science fiction and fantasy, listen to this interview!

You can find Francesco here:

Website: www.futurefiction.org/francescoverso/

Facebook: www.facebook.com/francesco.verso.31

Amazon: https://www.amazon.it/Francesco-Verso/e/B005BOQNRY/ref=dp_byline_cont_ebooks_1

Twitter: twitter.com/francesco_verso

You can listen to this podcast wherever you get your podcasts or right here:


34 Dimi Macheras and Casey Silver


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