Ep. 4 - Talking World SF&F with Cristina Jurado

Our guest today is Cristina Jurado. She is a Spanish SF&F author. She has written short stories, novels, is a winner of the Ignotus Awards, and is editor of the Apex Book of World SF, which is how I found her. She is also editing other anthologies of authors which are outside the regular ‘American/Canada/UK’ countries we’re used to.
What you’ll hear today is amazing insight into world SF&F. We’ll hear about small publishers which are publishing anthologies no one would have even dared to publish a few years ago. We’ll talk about authors who want and need to get their voices heard in oppressive regimes. We’ll hear about trends in world science fiction and fantasy. And there’s just so much more.
We talked for almost an hour and there was so much more to cover, I asked her on the spot to return in a few weeks. This is an amazing episode. I hope you enjoy it!

Cristina Jurado's Twitter: twitter.com/dnazproject
Her website: www.masficcionqueciencia.com

Geekdom Empowers is a podcast that highlights the lesser-known sides of geekery, a greater diversity of SF&F artists and creators, including geeks, artists, and creators from all around the world.

Geekdom Empowers is published Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

You can listen to the podcast wherever you get your podcasts or right here:


Ep. 5 - Talking Inventing Languages with David Peterson


Ep. 3 - Talking Decades of SF&F Translations with Emanuel Lottem